Welcome to my mind

So you've found your way to my blog somehow. Best case scenario (and biggest stroke to my ego) - the blog was linked somewhere interesting like Hacker News, Lobste.rs or maybe even a popular yet tasteful subreddit. More likely, you googled my name (I'm even fine with you Bing'ing it). Most likely - you are one of my friends and I posted my blog to your feed.

If the last scenario semi-apologies for the mental-colonizing. Though not really actually. If you think about it, this blog is my latest battlefront in idea-warfare. What better way to spread my thoughts as far as possible than to let my words percolate through the web; little nano-bots of my consciousness incessantly crawling for new brains to infect. Craig:1, whoever you are: 0.

Anyway, if you actually organically came across my site, then you may be wondering which Craig McGowan I am. While not blessed in magnitude a'la the John Smiths of the world, there are doubtless dozens of Craig McGowans. Dozens, I say!

So let's quickly go through which Craig McGowans I am not.

  • I am not the Australian Craig that owns CraigMcGowan.com, the one who has refused to sell it to me for the past eight years. (If you are reading this, partner-in-name, my offer still stands).
  • I am not the Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Idaho University Craig, who even has his own McGowan Lab named after him, though I am undoubtedly envious of him.
  • And I am definitely not Craig McGowan, the landscape photographer out of Brisbane, but go take a look at his stellar work anyway!  

Now that we've narrowed it down,  let me tell you about the specific Craig McGowan this site belongs to.

This Craig has too many hobbies, including:
* Photography
* Cooking
* Piano, my dream is to someday be able to play La La Land in its entirety.
* Programming, my next job (hopefully)
* Movies (only good ones)
* Biking
* Gardening

I guess I should count myself lucky that the other Craig McGowan's don't know much about SEO or web development, as I'm predicting a quick ascension to the top of the Google search results. As of writing this, Craigs.space ranks....not even on the top 10 pages, so it looks like I have some serious writing and keyword stuffing to do.